The Tainted Western Coast in the Aftermath of X-press Pearl

The fire break-out in the X-press pearl feeder vessel is now becoming the worst known disaster on Sri Lankan waters in recent history. At the time of the incident, the X-press Pearl has stationed approximately 9.5 nautical miles ahead of the port of Colombo, shipping 1486 containers with 25 tonnes of nitric acid, cosmetics, and several other hazardous chemicals onboard.

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Envt Day

“Time for Nature” – World Environment Day 2020

Million years ago, planet Earth and its countless dwellers coexisted in perfect peace. During favourable times organisms multiplied and flourished. When the times turned to become critical and challenging, they diversified. Obeying the laws in the natural world, fittest were selectively handpicked from the existing cluster leaving behind the weak, to survive the next era. From Precambrian onwards as the eras unfolded the inhabitants on the planet earth were renewed.

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