We have heard ‘A nation without innovations never rises”. Unfortunately our education system never allows innovation than theory followers and exam hunters. Nevertheless, occasionally, we meet some outliers. Zacki Latheef is such an outlier who became an award winning entrepreneur and inventor because he could not go to school for a while, we say fortunately.
Mr Zacki Latheef is a young inventor from Ibbagamuwa, Kurunegala. He has developed a medical formulation to treat certain skin diseases or conditions. Now, he has commercialized the product at small scale and became the Director of Zacki Herbal Product (Pvt) Ltd.
Here is what he has to say about his innovation from his own words;
“I noticed, skin diseases are commonly affecting the people in society also they are affected in mentally and physically. We used to go behind the western medicines for all diseases. Currently western medicines are the leading way in this world for acute and severe disease conditions. All kind of treatments are not going to be successful in particular medical field. Some are failed. In my view, western medicines in skin diseases are endless, long-lasting and having side effects also applied systemically. So I tried my best to invent “zacki skin paste” to treat the patients with some skin conditions such as Eczema, Rashes, Psoriasis, Pimple (Acne) and skin Scars. These are made by Herbals from Sri Lanka, [there are] no side effects, [there is ]no need long term applications and [It is ]only used as local application”. “I wish to introduce my New Medical Products to needed People in the Sri Lanka as well as all over the world”.

He further says, “Currently I am leading Zacki Herbal Products (Pvt) Ltd. to Distribute my products. Patients used to get skin paste via doctor’s prescription and also I am getting more clients due to publicity via media. In future I would like to increase my production level to achieve highest target”.
“Additionally, I used to involve in social activities. I participated as Resource Person in Young Inventor’s Workshop for School Students in Mannar and Puttalam conducted by Sri Lanka Inventor’s Commission and Education Department”.
In the year 2014 he won the gold medal for the best inventor in year 2014 and 12 million cash award from Venture Engine. He is now following the degree program of Ayurvedic Medicine in College of Health Science – University of Colombo. In 2016 he was awarded with the International Ayurveda Medicine Research Award – 2016 & Keerthi Sri Dhesha Shakthi, Ayurvidya Keerthi Award by International Ayurveda Medicine Research Centre, International Research University, International Integrated Medical Practitioners Organization & National Peace Association.
The Sri Lankan Scientist magazine highly appreciates his innovation, enthusiasm and dedication and wish his aspirations be successful.
His contacts are
Zacki Herbal Products (Private) Limited.