Sri Lankan authorities have established a mega scale expert group to investigate, study and asses the impact from the recent Express Pearl maritime disaster. Coordinated and facilitated by Marine Environment Protection Authority (MEPA) this expert group will asses the impact under ten thematic categories as follows,
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Root Cause, Chemical/Dangerous cargo and Oil assessment
- Biodiversity Impact Assessment
- Air Impact Assessment
- Water and Sea Shore Impact Assessment
- Health Impact Assessment
- Socio Economic Impact Assessment
- Aquatic Resources Impact Assessment
- Waste Management Impact Assessment
- Economic Valuation Impact Assessment

The final outcome of these assessments will target damage assessment as well as Ecosystem Restoration. There are 41 members representing 14 different ministries, universities and institutes working under these 10 different categories. Each of these assessments will be done according to an already prepared template. Prof. Ajith de Alwis an expert in Chemical Engineering and Waste Management briefed media about this mega scale plan in a press conference organized by the Department of Government Information on 17th June 2021.