The Annual Research Review of the National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Kandy was held on 2nd of April 2016 under the patronage of Hon. Susil Premajayantha, Minister of Science, Technology & Research with the participation of many other distinguish guests. The Main objective of this annual review was to assess the progress of research projects which were carried out during the year 2017.

Established in 1981 the National institute of Fundamental Studies is dedicated to carry out Basic or Fundamental research that can be of great value to countries development drive. The NIFS is mandated to conduct research in fundamental studies in general, but lately the institute has tried some applied researches as well, Currently the NIFS conduct researches in areas as given,
- Energy and Advanced Materials
- Condensed matter physics and solid state chemistry
- Nanotechnology and advanced materials
- Energy and advanced material chemistry
- Material Processing and Device Fabrication
- Theoretical physics and computational studies
- Quantum physics and applied electronics
- Natural products and food chemistry
- Natural products
- Nutritional Biocehemistry
- Microbiology and carbon sequestration
- MIcrobial Biotechnology
- Bio-energy and soil echosystems
- Earth, Environment and Biodiversity
- Earth resources and renewable energy
- Environmental Chemo-dynamics
- Ecology and environmental biology
- Plant and environmental sciences
- Plant taxonomy and conservation
- Primate biology
- Molecular biology and biotechnology
- Molecular microbiology and human diseases
- Medical entomology
- Rhizobium project
- Energy and Advanced Materials
Inaugurating the event Prof. Lalith Jayasinghe, acting director of the NIFS welcomed the guests and invitees. Prof. Parakrama Karunarathne the past director of the institute described the research activities carried out during the year 2017. Prof. Vijaya Kumar, the chairman of the board of governors, NIFS speaking during the inauguration ceremony emphasized on the importance of quality research work and their proper publication.

Chief guest of the annual review Mr. Susil Premjayanth, Minister of Science, Technology and Research described how the ministry contributed towards the improvement of science and technology within the country. And also he described how difficult it is to approve funds for scientific research through the treasury.
The keynote speech of Annual Research Review 2017 was delivered by Dr.Palitha Abeykoone, Chairman of National Authority on Tobacco & Alcohol. During his speech he talked about achievements, challenges and developments of health sector in Sri Lanka.

During the inauguration session of the annual review three scientists from the NIFS were awarded with “The Most Outstanding Scientists – 2017” award. Prof.M.A.K.L.Dissanayake, Research Professor of NIFS was awarded the first place while Prof. U.L.B.Jayasinghe, Senior Research Professor, NIFS and Prof. D.S.A.Wijesundara, Research Professor of NIFS received 2nd and 3rd places respectively.

And also winners of the science quiz competition conducted by the Science Education & Dissemination Unit of NIFS were awarded with the prizes and certificates during the event. First place was won by Mr.H.M.M.I.S.B.Herath, while 2nd and 3rd places were won by Mr.A.M.I.U Kumara & Ms.V.M.Anjalika respectively.
After the inauguration session of the annual review 15 scientists from each research unit presented the progress of their work to a panel of reviewers and the other invited guests.

Some leading scientists from the country with many other invited guests and intellectuals were present in this Annual Review program.
this research still on the go?