In an event held in Colombo on 18th May The Sri Lanka Rationalist Association celebrated the Sri Lanka Rationalist Day 2017 with the participation of its’ members and invited guests.
On 2010 the rationalist association of Sri Lanka announced May 18th as the Sri Lankan Rationalist Day referring the Birth anniversary of the great rationalist literate & rationalist activist Bertrand Russell. Bertrand Arthur William Russell, (18 May 1872 – 2 February 1970) was a British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, writer, social critic, political activist and Nobel laureate.

Prominent writer Upul Shantha Sannasgala delivered the guest speech and the president of the Sri Lanka Medical Association and prominent rationalist Prof. Carlo Fonseka delivered a special speech. Both speakers discussed how the society today has become too much dependent on pseudo sciences like astrology and many other unscientific believes.