During a news briefing from Sri Lanka Foundation Institute in Colombo, Sri Lanka, the organizers involved with the STS forum Sri Lanka 2016 talked about the preparations for this Mega event set to start on September 7th in Colombo. On behalf of the organizers Prof. Ajith de Alwis from COSTI, Minister of Science Technology & Research, Mr. Susil Premajayantha, and Secretary, Ministry of Science, Technology and Research, Mrs. R. Wijialudchumi, were present at the press briefing.

The theme of the STS forum this year is “Harnessing Science Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development” and the forum will focus on using science and technology towards the economic development of the country. Starting the media briefing Prof. Ajith de Alwis from The Coordinating Secretariat for Science, Technology and Innovation (COSTI) described the motives behind this major event and it’s importance to the country as a whole. According to Prof. Alwis, Sri Lanka STS Forum is mainly inspired by the annual Japanese STF Forum, the most recent of which the Hon. Prime Minister of Sri Lanka attended as a keynote speaker at the inauguration in Kyoto.

The forum will address the themes such as
a) The role of Science and Technology in achieving sustainable development goals
b) Citizen Science
c) Capacity building in Science
d) Technology and Innovation
e) Funding and Investment in Science and Technology
f) Establishment of a Sri Lankan Innovation Platform
g) Nanotechnology
This forum will be the first event of this scale in Sri Lankas Science and Technology history.
The opening session will be on the evening of 7th September 2016, at Nelum Pokuna Mahinda Rajapakse Theater in Colombo. The opening ceremony will be attended by His Excellency the President and the Hon. Prime Minister and will be followed by Keynote addresses by various experts in the field of Science and Technology. Approximately 1000 invitees will attend this ceremony.
All the scientific sessions will be held on 8th, 9th and 10th in Waters Edge premises Baththaramulla. Many leading scientists from Sri Lanka and 23 other countries will share their knowledge on using Science, Technology and Innovation towards the sustainable development of the country.
The STS Forumn Sri Lanka 2016 is supported by many organizations including
- J-SLIP – Japan Sri Lanka Innovation Platform
- UKIERI – United Kingdom – India Education and Research Initiative
- Thompson Reuters
- WIPO – World Intellectual Property Organization
- GIZ – Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
- JICA – Japan International Cooperation Agency
Major Outcomes of This Forum will be
- Colombo Resolution – This will voice the need for incorporating STI for the development strategies of the country
- A Strategic direction for optimal integration of STI for social empowerment and sustainable development of Sri Lanka that would
- Align STI with SDG agenda
- Reorient the existing STI ecosystem
- Foster Advance technologies and integrate ‘technology drivers’ and ‘test beds’ for national industrial development
- Develop international partnerships and Collaborative research and enhance Science diplomacy
- Develop a citizen oriented science culture
- Attract a new Generation of transnational investors for STI in Sri Lanka