Xpress Pearl Disaster and its’ Impact on Coastal and Marine Environments; View of an Exert

As a country Sri Lanka is facing one of the worst environmental disasters with the MV Express Perl ship accident. Mitigating various problems that has arisen as a result of this disaster is no easy task as we first have to get the actual picture of the extent of damage caused by this incident to the marine environment and living organisms in these affected areas. We can find answers only after looking at the actual situation. So, even though we like it or not we will have to be patient and wait for some time to understand the real situation. Prof. Ruchira Kurarathunga, the first dean of the faculty of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences & Technology of University of Ruhuna expressed these remarks during a special press briefing held yesterday, 17th July 2021 at Department of Government Information.

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Sputnik V; the Russian Weapon Against the COVID 19 Pandemic

Sputnik V vaccine, a product of Russian Research facility, Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology is one of the main vaccination candidate Sri Lanka is looking forward to acquire in mass scale. The first consignment of Sputnik V Vaccine with 15000 doses arrived in Sri Lanka yesterday, 4th May 2021. According to state officials Sri Lanka is to receive 13 million doses of this Sputnik V vaccine in near future.

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COVID Variant B.1.1.7: Some Key Facts You Should Know

In a special announcement today the scientists at Sri Jayewardenepura University revealed the COVID 19 virus strain behind the recent increase of the cases to be the variant B.1.1.7 which was first identified in United Kingdom during the month September 2020. According to the observations in UK this variant was found to be associated with increased admissibility and higher virulance.

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