It’s just about three months from identifying the first COVID-19 patient in China. And just in little over 100 days the disease have now become a global scare with about 75000 deaths .
First discovered in Wuhan city of China COVID-19 have now spread to more than 200 countries around the globe covering all the continents. But in different countries the disease behaved differently giving different outcomes.

The above graph shows how the total deaths due to COVID-19 changed during last three months. This graph shows how the Asian countries including China where the pandemic began have been able to control the situation than the European countries including USA. Until mid March China was at the top but they were able to cut down the death rate to a much lower level stopping the total deaths graph going up. China’s success in controlling this deadly pandemic mainly lies on aggressive counter measures adopted by the Chinese government which included total lock-downs and intense testing to identify positive cases and isolate them to cut the spread of the virus. The only Asian country that was hit hard by COVID-19 is Iran. But even Iran has been able to keep the death rates in a some what better rate than those European countries shown in this graph.
In most of the European countries the disease spread began early March / late February. But within a month the total deaths due to COVID-19 in these countries soared in a alarming rate.
Finally Some positives

Yesterday many European countries showed some improvements in their total daily COVID-19 death count as many countries reported less number of deaths due to COVID-19 than the day before. But it’s too early to predict any thing as these countries have not being able record long term improvements as of yet.