Based in London, UK, the Institute of Physics is a leading scientific membership society working towards the advancement of physics for the benefit of all.
This institute has a worldwide membership from enthusiastic amateurs to those at the top of their fields in academia, business, education and government. Their main purpose is to gather, inspire, guide, represent and celebrate all who share a passion for physics. And, in their role as a charity, they ensure that physics delivers on its exceptional potential to benefit society.
IOP Awards
Annually the institute award 22 medals and prizes to recognize and reward excellence in people and teams who have made outstanding and exceptional contributions to the strength of physics.
On July 11th the Institute of Physics announced the award winners for the year 2018. Among the award winners there are two Sri Lankan born scientists recognized for their outstanding contributions in physics related research.

Professor Ravi Silva of University of Surrey won the James Joule Medal and Prize for the year 2018 for his contributions in development of carbon nanomaterials for use in cross-disciplinary advanced technology applications relevant to materials, optoelectronics and sustainable energy.

Professor Hiranya Peiris of University College London and the Oskar Klein Centre for Cosmoparticle Physics, Stockholm won the Fred Hoyle Medal and Prize for the year 2018. Professor Hiranya Peiris is a pioneer in the efforts to understand the physical origin of cosmological structure seeded in the first moments of the universe. Her contribution to the field is distinguished by the unique way she has combined cosmological observations, theoretical physics and advanced statistical methods.
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